AVS/CVV Responses
Type | Code | Message |
AVS | 00 | AVS Error - Retry, System unavailable or Timed out |
AVS | 40 | Address not available (Address not verified) |
AVS | 43 | Street address not available (not verified), ZIP matches |
AVS | 44 | Address failed |
AVS | 45 | Street address and ZIP don't match |
AVS | 46 | Street address doesn't match, 5-digit ZIP matches |
AVS | 47 | Street address doesn't match, 9-digit ZIP matches |
AVS | 4A | Street address or ZIP doesn't match |
AVS | 4D | Street address matches, ZIP does not |
AVS | 4E | Street address and 5-digit ZIP match |
AVS | 4F | Street address and ZIP match |
AVS | 53 | Account holder name incorrect, billing postal code matches |
AVS | 55 | Unrecognized response |
AVS | 5C | Account holder name incorrect, billing address matches |
AVS | 5F | Account holder name incorrect, billing address and postal code match |
AVS | 70 | Account holder name matches |
AVS | 73 | Account holder name and billing postal code match |
AVS | 7C | Account holder name and billing address match |
AVS | 7F | Account holder name, billing address and postal code match |
AVS | 80 | AVS service not supported by issuer - Issuer doesn't participate in AVS |
CVV | M | Matches |
CVV | N | No Match |
CVV | P | Not Processed |
CVV | S | Should be Present |
CVV | U | Issuer is not certified |
CVV | X | Unrecognized reason |
CVV Interaction
Q: If the customer specifies the correct credit card account number, but incorrect CVV2 information, will the overall SALE or AUTH transaction succeed or fail?
A: It usually will fail but it is controlled by the processor. We've seen credit-card processors who would return an error code, but still process the transaction as if no error had occurred, leaving it up to the integrator to void the transaction if needed.
Q: I see that I do not have access to credit card CVV code when I receive a transaction response using BridgePay. Our customers might need this information. Is there anyway to add this to the response to the transaction?
A: The CVV codes can not be stored due to PCI compliance regulations. The only time the CVV codes are available are when they are initially entered into the system.
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