BridgePay Gateway TSYS Response Codes
The following table reflects the BridgePay Gateway response code mapping to the appropriate TSYS response.
TSYS Response Code | TSYS Response Message | TSYS Spec Definition | BridgePay 004 Gateway Code | BridgePay 004 Gateway Message |
00 | APPROVAL | Approved and completed | 0 | Successful |
01 | CALL | Refer to issuer | 30072 | Call for Authorization |
02 | CALL | Refer to issuer - Special condition | 30072 | Call for Authorization |
03 | TERM ID ERROR | Invalid Merchant ID | 10051 | Incorrect Merchant setup |
04 | HOLD-CALL | Pick up card (no fraud) | 30034 | Hold - Pick up card |
05 | DECLINE | Do not honor | 30032 | Denied by customer's bank |
06 | ERROR | General error | 10052 | Processing Network Error |
07 | HOLD-CALL | Pick up card, special condition (fraud account) | 30034 | Hold - pick up card |
08 | APPROVAL | Honor Mastercard with ID | 0 | Successful |
10 | PARTIAL APPROVAL | Partial approval for the authorized amount | 0 | Successful |
11 | APPROVAL | VIP approval | 0 | Successful |
12 | INVALID TRANS | Invalid transaction | 10052 | Processing Network Error |
13 | AMOUNT ERROR | Invalid amount | 30026 | Invalid Amount |
14 | CARD NO. ERROR | Invalid card number | 30023 | Invalid Account Number |
15 | NO SUCH ISSUER | No such issuer | 30023 | Invalid Account Number |
19 | RE ENTER | Re-enter transaction | 30043 | Reenter Transaction |
21 | NO ACTION TAKEN | Unable to back out transaction | 30047 | Refund was not processed/received |
25 | NO CARD NUMBER | Unable to locate the account number | 30023 | Invalid Account Number |
28 | NO REPLY | File is temporarily unavailable | 30022 | Processing Network Unavailable |
30 | MSG FORMAT ERROR | Transaction was improperly formatted | 30010 | Invalid Record Format |
39 | NO CREDIT ACCT | No credit account | 30024 | No Account |
41 | HOLD-CALL | Lost card, pick up (fraud account) | 30037 | Card reported lost |
43 | HOLD-CALL | Stolen card, pick up (fraud account) | 30038 | Card reported stolen |
51 | DECLINE | Insufficient funds | 30033 | Insufficient funds |
52 | NO CHECK ACCOUNT | No checking account | 30024 | No Account |
53 | NO SAVE ACCOUNT | No savings account | 30024 | No Account |
54 | EXPIRED CARD | Expired card | 10019 | Invalid Expiration Date |
55 | WRONG PIN | Incorrect PIN | 30035 | Incorrect PIN |
57 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Transaction not permitted-Card | 30105 | Transaction not permitted - card |
58 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Transaction not permitted-Terminal | 30106 | Transaction not permitted - terminal |
61 | DECLINE | Exceeds withdrawal limit | 30032 | Denied by customer's bank |
62 | DECLINE | Invalid service code, restricted | 30032 | Denied by customer's bank |
63 | SEC VIOLATION | Security violation | 30074 | Declined due to fraud rules |
65 | DECLINE | Activity limit exceeded | 30032 | Denied by customer's bank |
75 | PIN EXCEEDED | PIN tried exceeded | 30046 | Pin Try Exceeded |
76 | UNSOLIC REVERSAL | Unable to locate, no match | 10055 | Invalid Reference Number |
77 | NO ACTION TAKEN | Inconsistent, reversed, or repeat data | 30029 | Transaction Error |
78 | NO ACCOUNT | No account | 30024 | No Account |
79 | ALREADY REVERSED | Already reversed at switch | 30029 | Transaction Error |
80 | NO IMPACT | No Financial impact (used in reversal | 10019 | Invalid Expiration Date |
81 | ENCRYPTION ERROR | Cryptographic error | 30029 | Transaction Error |
82 | INCORRECT CVV | CVV data is not correct | 30025 | Invalid Security Code |
83 | CANT VERIFY PIN | Cannot verify PIN | 30035 | Incorrect PIN |
85 | CARD OK | No reason to decline | 0 | Successful |
86 | CANT VERIFY PIN | Cannot verify PIN | 30035 | Incorrect PIN |
91 | NO REPLY | Issuer or switch is unavailable | 30107 | Issuer Unavailable |
92 | INVALID ROUTING | Destination not found | 30104 | Routing Number/Check Digit Error |
93 | DECLINE | Violation, cannot complete | 30032 | Denied by customer's bank |
94 | DUPLICATE TRANS | Unable to locate, no match | 30036 | Duplicate Transaction |
96 | SYSTEM ERROR | System malfunction | 10052 | Processing Network Error |
A1 | ACTIVATED | POS device authentication successful | 0 | Successful |
A2 | NOT ACTIVATED | POS device authentication not successful | 0 | Successful |
A3 | DEACTIVATED | POS device deactivation successful | 0 | Successful |
B1 | SRCHG NOT ALLOWD | Surcharge amount not permitted on debit | 30102 | Surcharge are not allowed |
B2 | SRCHG NOT ALLOWD | Surcharge amount not supported by debit | 30102 | Surcharge are not allowed |
CV | FAILURE CV | Card Type Verification Error | 30029 | Transaction Error |
D3 | SECUR CRYPT FAIL | Transaction failure due to missing or | 30074 | Declined due to fraud rules |
E1 | ENCR NOT CONFIGD | Encryption is not configured | 30029 | Transaction Error |
E2 | TERM NOT AUTHENT | Terminal is not authenticated | 10051 | Incorrect Merchant Setup |
E3 | DECRYPT FAILURE | Data could not be decrypted | 30029 | Transaction Error |
EA | ACCT LENGTH ERR | Verification error | 30029 | Transaction Error |
EB | CHECK DIGIT ERR | Verification error | 30029 | Transaction Error |
EC | CID FORMAT ERROR | Verification error | 30025 | Invalid Security Code |
HV | FAILURE HV | Hierarchy Verification Error | 10051 | Incorrect Merchant Setup |
K0 | TOKEN RESPONSE | Token request was processed | 30029 | Transaction Error |
K1 | TOKEN NOT CONFIG | Tokenization is not configured | 30029 | Transaction Error |
K2 | TERM NOT AUTHENT | Terminal is not authenticated | 10051 | Incorrect Merchant Setup |
K3 | TOKEN FAILURE | Data could not be de-tokenized | 30029 | Transaction Error |
M0 | DOM DBT NOT ALWD | Mastercard: Canada region-issued | 30105 | Transaction not permitted - card |
N3 | CACHBACK NOT AVL | Cash back service not available | 30103 | Cashback is not available |
N4 | DECLINE | Exceeds issuer withdrawal limit | 30032 | Denied by customer's bank |
N7 | CVV2 MISMATCH | CVV2 Value supplied is invalid | 30025 | Invalid Security Code |
P0 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical | 30039 | Service not allowed |
P1 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical | 30039 | Service not allowed |
P2 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical | 30039 | Service not allowed |
P3 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical | 30039 | Service not allowed |
P4 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical | 30039 | Service not allowed |
P5 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical | 30039 | Service not allowed |
P6 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical | 30039 | Service not allowed |
P7 | MISSING SERIAL NUM | The terminal has not yet completed the | 30029 | Transaction Error |
Q1 | CARD AUTH FAIL | Card authentication failed | 30032 | Denied by customer's bank |
R0 | STOP RECURRING | Customer requested stop of specific | 30040 | Stop Recurring |
R1 | STOP RECURRING | Customer requested stop of all recurring | 30040 | Stop Recurring |
R3 | STOP ALL RECUR | All recurring payments have been canceled | 30040 | Stop Recurring |
S0 | INACTIVE CARD | The PAN used in the transaction is | 30023 | Invalid Account Number |
S1 | MOD 10 FAIL | The Mod-10 check failed. | 10012 | Invalid Card Number - Failed Mod10 |
S5 | DCLN NO PRE AUTH | Decline – no preauthorization found. | 10055 | Invalid Reference Number |
S9 | MAX BALANCE | Maximum working balance exceeded. | 30044 | Unmapped decline |
SA | SHUT DOWN | The Authorization Server is shut down. | 30107 | Issuer Unavailable |
SB | INVALID STATUS | Invalid card status – status is other than | 30023 | Invalid Account Number |
SC | UNKNOWN STORE | Unknown dealer/store code – special edit. | 30045 | Billing profile configuration error |
SD | TOO MANY RCHRGS | Maximum number of recharges is | 30042 | Maximum transaction limit is exceeded at the moment. Try processing your transaction tomorrow. |
SE | ALREADY USED | Card was already used. | 30044 | Unmapped decline |
SF | NOT MANUAL | Manual transactions not allowed. | 30105 | Transaction not permitted - card |
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