BridgePay Gateway Response Error Codes
The following table displays the possible numeric values and descriptions returned by the BridgePay Gateway in the ResponseCode field.
BridgePay Code | Description |
00000 | Successful request |
10001 | Missing Reference Number |
10002 | Invalid Card Number- Blank/Null |
10003 | Invalid Card Type - Doesn't match accepted card types |
10004 | Invalid Expiration Date - Blank/Null |
10005 | Invalid Security Code - Blank/Null |
10007 | Invalid Card Number - Not Numeric |
10008 | Invalid Length for card type |
10009 | Invalid Expiration Date - Card Expired |
10010 | Invalid Security Code - Not Numeric |
10011 | Invalid Transaction ID |
10012 | Invalid Card Number - Failed Mod10 |
10013 | Invalid Expiration Date Value |
10014 | Invalid Security Code Length |
10017 | Invalid Expiration Date - Invalid Month |
10018 | Invalid Expiration Date - Invalid Year |
10019 | Invalid Expiration Date |
10020 | Invalid Client Identifier |
10021 | Invalid Request Element – Missing Element |
10022 | Invalid Request Type |
10023 | Password Expired |
10024 | Invalid Credentials |
10025 | Invalid Zip – Not Numeric |
10026 | Invalid Zip – Wrong Length |
10027 | Invalid Amount – Blank/Null |
10028 | Invalid Amount – Not Numeric |
10029 | Invalid Request Date/Time |
10030 | Invalid Token |
10031 | Invalid Track |
10032 | Invalid Track Identifier |
10033 | Invalid Void Request |
10034 | Invalid Encryption ID |
10035 | Invalid Account Number – Blank/Null |
10036 | Invalid Account Number – Not Numeric |
10037 | Invalid Payment Type – Blank/Null |
10038 | Invalid Payment Type – Unrecognized Payment Type |
10039 | Invalid Account Number – Account Number Does Not Exist |
10040 | Missing Required Pass-Thru Data Element |
10041 | Missing / Invalid BIN - 10041 can be returned if the bin data is non-numeric, is less than 6 numbers and greater than 11 numbers |
10042 | Already Voided |
10050 | Incorrect Trace Number |
10051 | Incorrect Merchant Setup |
10052 | Processing Network Error |
10053 | Credit Card Entry Refused by Receiver |
10054 | Mandatory Field Error |
10055 | Invalid Reference Number |
20001 | Tokenization Service Connection Error |
20002 | BridgePay Internal Server Error |
20003 | Client Service Unavailable |
20004 | Payment Service Sensitive Data Timeout |
30004 | Invalid Request Message |
30005 | Invalid Response Message |
30006 | New Password Doesn't Match Confirmation Password |
30007 | New Password Too Weak* |
30008 | Missing Payment Card Data |
30009 | Internal Payment Card Data Error |
30010 | Invalid Record Format |
30011 | Invalid Merchant Number (from Gateway) |
30012 | Bad Card Number (from Gateway) |
30013 | Invalid Store Number |
30020 | Invalid Transaction Industry Type |
30021 | Missing Transaction Industry Type |
30022 | Processing Network Unavailable |
30023 | Invalid Account Number |
30024 | No Account |
30025 | Invalid Security Code |
30026 | Invalid Amount |
30027 | Refund limit is reached for the day(occurs when merchant has reached the refund limit allowed per day on the account) |
30028 | Settlement Failed |
30029 | Transaction Error |
30030 | Transaction data integrity validation error |
30032 | Denied by customer’s bank |
30033 | Insufficient funds |
30034 | Hold - Pick up card |
30035 | Incorrect PIN |
30036 | Duplicate Transaction |
30037 | Card reported lost |
30038 | Card reported stolen |
30039 | Service not allowed |
30040 | Stop Recurring |
30041 | Unattempted Batch Decline |
30042 | Maximum transaction limit is exceeded at the moment. Try processing your transaction tomorrow. |
30043 | Re-enter Transaction |
30044 | Unmapped decline |
30045 | Billing profile configuration error |
30046 | Pin Try Exceeded |
30047 | Refund was not processed/received |
30048 | Chargeback received |
30049 | Processing Canceled by User |
30050 | Invalid Transaction Category |
30051 | Invalid Verification Status |
30052 | Invalid Terminal Type |
30053 | Invalid Petroleum Product Type |
30060 | Invalid IApp User Id |
30061 | Account insert failed |
30062 | Merchant insert failed |
30070 | New Password Previously Used |
30071 | Missing Clerk Id |
30072 | Call for Authorization |
30073 | Card is Restricted |
30074 | Declined due to fraud rules |
30075 | Bank Account Blacklisted |
30076 | Declined due to insufficient information |
30077 | Rejected by the processor |
30078 | Account Closed |
30079 | Invalid Account |
30080 | Account can not process ACH |
30082 | Invalid MICR |
30083 | Customer opt out check Conversion |
30100 | Invalid Account Data – Blank/Null |
30101 | Invalid EMV Tag Data – Blank/Null |
30102 | Surcharge are not allowed |
30103 | Cashback is not available |
30104 | Routing Number/Check Digit Error |
30105 | Transaction not premitted - card |
30106 | Transaction not premitted - terminal |
30107 | Issuer Unavailable |
30108 | Invalid SEC for Account |
30110 | Partial Void Not Allowed |
30111 | Partial Refund Not Allowed |
40001 | Lodging Reauth Failed |
40002 | Missing Lodging Folio Number |
80000 | Gateway Services Available |
80001 | Gateway Services Unavailable |
80002 | Invalid Purchase Token |
80003 | More than one result found for search criteria |
80004 | More than one service fee block received in request message |
80005 | Cascade Void. Indicates that the transaction was successfully authorized (fully or partially) and then voided due to an auto-void policy setting. Only occurs on principal transactions and only when the accompanying service fee was either declined or voided due to an auto-void policy setting. |
80006 | Partial Auto Void. Indicates that the transaction was partially authorized and then voided due to an auto-void policy setting. Can occur on a service fee or principal transaction. |
80007 | Database query processing error. Can occur on a Find Transaction request if the data requested is unavailable. |
80008 | Invalid GatewayTransID |
80009 | Invalid MerchantCode |
80010 | Invalid MerchantAccountCode |
80011 | Transaction not found |
80012 | Invalid Length for PersistData |
80013 | Invalid ActionType |
80014 | Invalid Device |
80015 | Adjustment Failure |
80018 | P2PE Service Error |
80019 | Unauthorized Access |
80020 | Custom Field Name Does Not Exist |
80021 | Unreadable XML Request Message |
80022 | Missing Required Custom Field Data |
80023 | Invalid Custom Field Data |
80024 | Cannot Append Custom Field data |
90000 | Token Store failed to encrypt a token |
90001 | Token Store failed to decrypt a token |
99999 | Unknown Error |