Semi-Integrated Solutions

Semi-Integrated Solutions


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PayGuardian Cloud makes payments weightless with no local software install! A true omni-channel solution for a merchant looking to solve for counter top or wireless devices, PCs or tablets, iOS or Android--it's all in our cloud solution. PG Cloud is highly scalable and allows the end user to view and manage all devices across multiple locations via our online portal.

PayGuardian Desktop is BridgePay’s legacy solution for capturing card present transactions using a credit card terminal connected to a desktop running the PayGuardian local client. Note that new integrations should focus on PayGuardian Cloud.

PayGuardian iOS offers PA-DSS mobile payments and supports iPad and iPhone devices with iOS 8.0 and above utilizing Bluetooth connectivity features. Take it mobile to pay at the table and reduce the scope of PCI using encryption and tokenization.

Feature rich offering to Android users. PG Android plugs into the point of sale via the Android library to accept payments. Choose from various USB and mobile devices to take payments anywhere! Our API is PA-DSS certified with Android KitKat 4.4 and above. PG Android is EMV enabled handles point to point encryption and tokenizes all transactions to ensure seamless and secure payment processing.

Our user-friendly mobile app offers robust white label branding options, customizable SMS and email receipts, multiple device options, application and gateway reporting, reseller management portal and so much more! MobileLINK is a complete solution built to address the needs and standards of the mobile payment marketplace. The result is ISOs and ISVs have access to an all-in-one, EMV ready mobile payment solution for use with Android and iOS. 

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