MyBridgePay Gateway Portal

MyBridgePay Gateway Portal

MyBridgePay is one of the newest products available to our partners and merchants. This customizable solution combines our redesigned virtual terminal, recurring billing module, reporting suite, and merchant boarding tool all into one access point for the user.

Navigating through MyBridgePay is incredibly user-friendly reflecting technology most of us use on a daily basis. Simply choose from the selection of application icons to launch your requested MyBridgePay tool.

Virtual Terminal & Reporting

The MyBridgePay EMV ready virtual terminal (VT) is a valuable tool not only for our VT-only users but also our integrated partners. The VT offers the latest in VT technology while giving peace of mind as a secondary or back-up option for a point of sale integration. The VT allows the user to process all types of electronic transactions in both a single and multi-transaction environment.

MyBridgePay Quick Reference Guide

Merchant Training Videos

Reseller Training Videos

Reporting Suite

MyBridgePay is a comprehensive real-time suite of reporting available to both partners and merchants. The suite includes reporting for Sales, Declines, Errors, Batch Summary, and Batch Detail based on the selected location or multi-locations. Additionally, MyBridgePay will allow you to view history, search for individual transactions and even offers an Activity Monitor. The Activity Monitor allows the user to view items such as current open authorizations, last settlement date and amount, and unsettled transactions.

MyBridgePay offers customers the ability to view a single location or multi-location chain based on the permission and user level set by the merchant. This type of access allows the customer to control the reporting that can be viewed by others within their organization. For our partners, MyBridgePay allows access to the partner’s reseller portfolio and permission can also be set within the organization. Reseller reporting for transaction data and billing is also available in the suite of reporting.

Merchant Boarding Tool

Used only by our reseller partners, the Merchant Boarding Tool enables the partner to easily set-up a merchant gateway account for their customer. By moving through a series of tabs and completing the required data fields, the merchant boarding process is efficient and immediate account activation concludes the boarding process. BridgePay requires the input of only a few customer data elements along with current banking in order to open a merchant gateway account. Boarding a new merchant can be completed in a matter of minutes! Partners will be able to create and customize fee templates for unique opportunities to help speed the boarding process.

Contact Information

Client Relations: Billing and Sales

866-531-1460 (option 5)
Monday thru Friday
9:00 am ET - 5:00 pm ET

Production 24/7 Technical Support

866-322-9894 (option 1)

Integration Support

866-531-1460 (option 4)
Monday thru Friday
9:00 am ET - 5:00 pm ET

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