Import Transaction Guide

Import Transaction Guide

The Import Transactions feature allows you to import batches of credit card and/or ACH payments into multiple existing merchant account within BridgePay. Importing a CSV file through the MyBridgePay gateway or via the Bulk Transaction API are both supported.

BridgePay Recommendations and Notes

  • We recommend enabling duplicate checking on any Merchant Accounts you going to import transactions to. This can avoid issues with accidental duplicated import files.

  • The user importing a CSV file in MyBridgePay must have access to all Merchant Accounts included in the import file or the import will fail. This is the same for the Username and Password used in the Bulk Transaction API requests.

  • *IMPORTANT* Please check with your Merchant Service Provider (MSP) and confirm the transaction count that your specific processor allows per batch. Our feature allows for importing up to 5000 records, yet your specific processor may require less to avoid settlement errors.

  • *IMPORTANT* Importing transactions to the FirstData Omaha processor should not be done. If you are using the FirstData Omaha processor, DO NOT use this feature.

Import Information

This import process involves 3 steps:

  1. Create the Import File

    1. The file must be saved in a CSV format. Download the .

    2. The format must follow the BridgePay Mandatory and Optional Fields Guide. Download the Fields Guide in your preferred format:


  2. Upload the File

    1. Select your CSV file that is under 5MB and contains 5000 transactions or less.

    2. Once chosen, import your CSV file.

    3. The imported CSV file will be validated and process every five minutes.

  3. File Validation

    1. BridgePay will validate your file to ensure that it is formatted correctly.

    2. You will be alerted to any validation errors discovered in your import file if the import fails or returns any errors.

Status Information

  • Pending Status

    • The import is still pending processing of the imported transactions.

  • Started Status

    • Processing the file.

  • Completed Status

    • The import has successfully been processed. Click Export Results to download a report of your processed data.

  • Completed w/ Errors Status

    • The import has successfully been processed. There were, however, some errors on some rows did happen. Click Export Results to download a report of your processed data.

  • Failed Status

    • Some part of the imported information did not match the format in our Mandatory Optional Fields Guide. Click View Results to review the error(s) and make edits to your file to import again.

Bulk Transaction API Guide

The Bulk Transaction API has been created to support importing CSV file via an API call into BridgePay. Here is an integration guide to use the Bulk Transaction API Bulk Transaction API

Bulk Transaction API Status Information

  • Accepted and queued Status

    • The initial response when a file is uploaded from the API.

  • Pending Status

    • The import is still pending processing of the imported transactions.

  • Started Status

    • Processing the file.

  • Completed Status

    • The import has successfully been processed.

  • Completed w/ Errors Status

    • The import has successfully been processed. There were, however, some errors on some rows did happen. Use the “Get Export Results CSV” request to review the error(s) and make edits to your file to import again.

  • Failed Status

    • Some part of the imported information did not match the format in our Mandatory Optional Fields Guide. Use the “Get Import Information” request to review the “responseMessage" field error(s) and make edits to your file to import again.

Export Results Field Explanations

When exporting a CSV either via the MyBridgePay Import Transaction Module or in a GET request in the Bulk Transaction API, you will be provided a lot of data about the import per imported transaction. Below is a breakdown of all the different column and what information they provide.

Export Results Columns

  • lineNumber - This column contains the line number from the imported CSV for the specific transaction (row).

  • requestType - This column contains the imported transactionType (ie: sale, sale-auth, credit, credit-auth).

  • responseType - This column contains the response for each transaction (row).

    • Approved = Approved transaction.

    • Decline = Declined transaction.

    • Processing Error = Processed, yet an error was received.

    • Validation Error = Not processed and failed validation for one of the imported columns (see providerResponseMessage for more information).

  • merchantAccountCode - This column contains the Merchant Account Code entered for the transaction (row).

  • organizationId - This column contains the OrganizationID entered for the transaction (row).

  • gatewayTransId - This column contains the gateway transaction number for processed transactions only. Transactions with validation errors will not contain a gateway transaction number. This number can be used to search for the transaction in MyBridgePay Find Transactions or in our Transaction API.

  • transactionId - This column contains the transactionID that supplied in the import CSV file. It can be used to search your import CSV file for the specific transaction.

  • last4 - This column contains the last 4 digits of the credit card or bank account used for the transaction (row).

  • transactionDate - This column contains the date and time when the transaction (row) was processed.

  • amount - This column contains the amount of the transaction (row).

  • tipAmount - This column contains the tip amount sent. Can appear blank if no tip was included in the imported CSV file.

  • responseCode - This column contains the gateway response code for the transaction (row). More information on the different codes can be found here BridgePay Gateway Response Error Codes.

  • providerResponseMessage - This column contains the gateway response message. This could be many different values. More information on the different responses can be found here BridgePay Gateway Response Error Codes.

  • actions - This column contains important information for transactions that were processor had an error and need to be reprocessed.

    • Processed = This transaction was processed on the gateway. This could result in an Approval, Decline or Error. Check the responseType Column. In most cases, this transaction does not need to be reprocessed.

    • Resolve Errors in CSV and Reprocess Transaction = This transaction had a validation error and was not processed. Please look over your import CSV file and ensure that all data entered is valid. The providerResponseMessage column can help you determine what the validation issues may have been.

Failed Import Result Explanations

When a CSV is imported and there are specific formatting issues with the file, the status of the import may come back as failed. When the status is failed, no transactions were processed. In the MyBridgePay Import Transactions Module, you can simple click “View Results” to be displayed the reason(s) the CSV import failed. When using the Bulk Transaction API, making the “Get Import Information” call will return the reason(s) in the "responseMessage" field. To resolve, please look over the CSV file and make any corrections needed to pass the required formatting.

Failed Import Results

  • File is empty/corrupt - This result is caused by the imported CSV file being empty (no data) or unexpected data in the header row (row 1). To resolve, ensure that the column headers match the file available above Sample_Import_CSV_v1.csv and that there is valid data entered for at least 1 transaction before importing.

  • Transactions rows are more than max allowed Transactions - This result is caused by the imported CSV having more than 5000 transaction included. 5000 transactions is the limit for the Import Transaction Module and the Bulk Transaction API. To resolve, ensure your file only has 5001 rows or less (1st row is the header data).

  • Invalid Headers: <list of header names separated by commas> - This result is cause by the data in the file not being comma separated (Not a CSV) or specific column headers are missing. If missing, the missing columns will be listed in the error. To resolve, ensure that the column headers match the file available above Sample_Import_CSV_v1.csv.

  • Missing values in the row(s) - This result is caused by column data for transactions not containing the expected data for the headers provided. Should be seen in vary rare occasions. To resolve, look over your file for any missing data or out of line data.

  • Access Denied - User does not have access to one or more Merchant Accounts - This result is caused by the user uploading the file not having access to one or more of the Merchant Accounts entered in the imported CSV for column merchantAccountCode. This is also true for Bulk Transaction API imports. The Username and Password provided in the Import CSV request does not have access to one or more of the Merchant Accounts entered in the imported CSV for the column merchantAccountCode. To resolve, ensure the user uploading the CSV in MyBridgePay or the Username and Password being used in the Bulk Transaction API has access to all Merchant Accounts entered in the imported CSV for the column merchantAccountCode.

  • File Upload Failed - Server Error - This could be caused from the CSV file name being longer than 50 characters (including the .csv). Ensure your file name is shorter than 50 characters and reupload. This could also be caused by a system outage. If you file name is less than 50 characters and you continually receive this error, please contact our support team here.

  • Errors while processing file - This is a generic error that can be many different issues. Please contact our support team here.

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