PayGuardian Cloud

PayGuardian Cloud

API Integration Guide

PayGuardian Cloud API Development Guide


PayGuardian Cloud API Diagram v1.0.png

PayGuardian Cloud is BridgePay’s web-based hosted service used to interact with EMV devices for securely processing transactions with your Point of Sale. The RESTful API allows for easy interactions via simple JSON requests.

Highlights include:

  • Hosted web services gives you the ability to POST a transaction request to any terminal at any location

  • Automated network discovery establishes and maintains a persistent connection to the gateway

  • Multiple registers and credit card terminals can be used simultaneously

  • Automates updates-no software installation necessary

  • PA-DSS compliant & TLS 1.2

  • No access to sensitive card data

Looking to find what transaction types PayGuardian Cloud supports?

Have a look at our BridgePay Product Matrix

Supported PayGuardian Cloud Devices

PAX Devices

Ingenico Devices

Connectivity Best Practices

BridgePay recommends the following for the best connectivity experience with PayGuardian Cloud:


The merchant location should have 100mbps or higher of available bandwidth.


Use enterprise grade network equipment, like Modems and Routers to get the most out of your payment terminal.


It is recommended that the payment terminals be isolated from the rest of the network on which they operate. This can be achieved in two ways:

Separate SSID

This option is easier to implement and should be an option for most merchants using Wi-FI connectivity. Consult with your or the merchant’s IT department to determine if this is an option for your merchant’s locations.

Separate VLAN

This option is more complicated to implement, so consult with your or the merchant’s IT department to determine if this is an option for your merchant’s locations.

Wired (Ethernet)

Ethernet will provide an inherently more stable connection, so whenever possible, use a wired connection with your payment terminal; however, Wi-Fi is still an option for Integrators seeking a mobile payment device.

Some devices only allow for Wi-FI natively and will require an attachment to support Ethernet. If you wish to use one of these terminals, please ask our Integrations Support team about the attachments you may need.


For those needing a mobile terminal, Wi-Fi is still an option. BridgePay provides the following recommendations for the best Wi-Fi experience:

2.4 GHz vs 5 GHz

Use the highest GHz that your terminal can support. Some terminals will only support 2.4 Ghz while others support 5 Ghz or both.

Signal Strength

Merchant’s and integrators should ensure that the location in which the terminal operates is within range of the router and receives a strong Wi-Fi signal. Third-Party Smartphone Applications can be used to test signal strength in different rooms of the merchant location; however, note that the antenna in your smartphone may be different than the antenna in your payment terminal and may behave differently.


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