PayGuardian Desktop FAQs

PayGuardian Desktop FAQs

This article will be a living, breathing FAQ that will hope to address the common queries of PayGuardian Desktop users.

Question: I’ve installed PayGuardian Desktop on my workstation, but my clerks are running into issues with it starting and running consistently. Did we miss something during installation?

Answer: Per our PayGuardian Desktop Installation Guide, PayGuardian should be installed on all workstations at an Admin level. Furthermore, all Windows users that accesses PayGuardian Desktop should have full access to the BridgePay directory found in C:\Program Files (x86). Once those two steps are confirmed, you should see vast improvement in your regular usage of PayGuardian Desktop.

Question: I’m in the process of re-installing PayGuardian on my workstation and it’s asking for a Registration Key. Where would I find that key?

Answer: PayGuardian Desktop keys vary between resellers. If you have versions of PayGuardian installed on other workstations, you can click About on the bottom left of the login screen to have your registration key displayed. If you are missing this, please contact Integration Support for assistance.

Question: When I open PayGuardian, it loads and then tells me that it is unable to connect to local database. How do I fix this?

Answer: If you are receiving this error, it is more than likely due to an expired SSL certificate. We have built a Certificate Update Tool that will allow you to update this at your leisure. You can find that tool here.

Question: My PayGuardian Desktop client has a scroll bar on the right hand side. Is there anyway to remove that?

Answer: Absolutely! PayGuardian scales based on your Windows display settings. For example, if you have your settings for display (Settings >> System >> Display >> Scale & Layout - Scale) set to 150%, then all applications you open including PayGuardian Desktop will share that same scale. However, Windows allows you to make changes to individual apps as you are using them. If you ever see the scroll bar on PayGuardian Desktop, you can hold the CTRL key and either roll your mouse’s wheel up or down to resize or use CTRL plus the + or - key to zoom in or out of the application.




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