When escalating device issues, the more information the better. Below are the needed pieces for our teams to view, research and resolve issue quickly. Lack of this information may result in back-and-forth communication to obtain the needed information. Not all of these systems are owned or maintained by BridgePay, so the outcome may not be able to be resolve on our side and an escalation to a third party may be needed. If the issue live in the PayGuardian code, we will prioritize and resolve issues on our side depending on the priority of the issue. Priority of the issue is determine by the severity of the defect/issue.
PayGuardian Cloud PAX
The following information is needed in order to properly and effectively research/debug an issue.
Device S/N:
Found on the back of your device or in PAXSTORE.
Device Firmware:
Found in PAXSTORE: Terminal Management >> Click Device >> App & Firmware Tab >> Installed Firmware section
BroadPOS Manager Version:
Found in PAXSTORE: Terminal Management >> Click Device >> App & Firmware Tab >> Installed Apps section
BroadPOS BridgePay Version:
Found in PAXSTORE: Terminal Management >> Click Device >> App & Firmware Tab >> Installed Apps section
PayGuardian Cloud Version:
Found in PAXSTORE: Terminal Management >> Click Device >> App & Firmware Tab >> Installed Apps section