PAX Android Devices: Troubleshooting & Support

PAX Android Devices: Troubleshooting & Support


Setup and Guidance

BroadPOS A-Series Users Guide:

PAX Store

Auto Batching at the Terminal Level

It is possible to close the batch from the terminal rather than from the gateway. This is controlled from the BridgePay BroadPOS application file loaded onto the device from the PAXSTORE under the BridgePay tab. When the batch closes, it will close the batch in the gateway and clear the history on the terminal itself

  1. Enable Auto Batch Mode

  2. Choose Start Auto Batch Time and End Auto Batch TIme

  3. Configure gateway to Manual settlement in MyBridgePay


Auto Clear Transaction History

With the latest BridgePay BroadPOS app (V1.02.03E20240606), you now have the ability to set a time in which your device’s transaction history clears out of the device without having to actually batch your transactions for the day.

  1. Click on the BridgePay tab in the BridgePay BroadPOS app.

  2. Under the setting “Auto Batch Mode,” choose “Auto Clear Database.”

  3. In the textbox for Auto Clear Database Time(hhmm), enter the time (in 24HR) when you would like for your device to clear your transaction history

NOTE: If you set the time and the batch does not automatically clear, you may need to check your device’s clock to make sure the timezone you are looking for matches what is on your device. You can check this on your device by clicking Settings on the device home screen, and then click on System. Click Date & time and validate that your time is set correctly.


Cash Back For Debit Cards

To allow for customers to receive Cash Back on Debit Card transactions:

  1. Load PAX Store

  2. Select your device

  3. Click Push Task

  4. Search for BridgePay BroadPOS app

  5. Under Industry / Host Features → Set “Cash Back Prompt” = Enabled

  6. Push to device

Commercial Card Support Enabling

Today, commercial card support and sending Level 2 data can be achieved by enabling "Commercial Card Support” in the device. There is no setting when pushing the BroadPOS BridgePay app to the device from the PAXSTORE. This has been requested in a future PAX release. Once "Commercial Card Support” is enabled in the device, if a commercial card is used the device will prompt for PO Number, Customer ID, Tax Amount & Shipping Zip Code. There is no current way to send this data in a PayGuardian Cloud request and have it pass through PAX. This is an ongoing project with BridgePay and PAX.

  1. Open BroadPOS BridgePay application on the device

  2. Tap "FUNC"

  3. Tap "Settings"

  4. Enter Manage Password (Set in the BroadPOS BridgePay Application - MISC Tab)

  5. Tap "System Settings"

  6. Enable "Commercial Card Support” toggle

Disable Contactless PIN Prompt

To set the device to not prompt for PIN on different card brands, you can simple Push a new BroadPOS BridgePay application to the device from the PAXSTORE and ensure that the "CVM Required Limit" per card brand is set to a number higher than a transaction would be run for.  Any contactless transaction that exceeds the limit set will prompt for PIN.




EMV >> DISCOVER EMV PARAMETERS >>CVM Required Limit (Currently still prompts for PIN - Bug escalated to PAX)


Disabling Geo Location 

Optional: Geo location is a OS level functionality. Currently, you can turn off the geo location by completing the below steps. 

  1. In your specific Marketplace, under the reseller, you can go to the Profile tab.

  2. Under Profile you can find the Location Data Upload and the GPS parameters (highlighted in screen shot).

  3. If you swipe both parameters to the left, it will disable the geo location.

Enabling a Signature Line on the Receipt

In order to enable a signature line on the printed receipt, you must first enable receipt printing. Then you must enable Signature Capture on the device and finally choose if you would also like the cardholder’s name to appear on the receipt. Here are the settings to update in the PAXSTORE to achieve a signature line and cardholder name is printed on every receipt.

  • PAXSTORE / INDUSTRY / HOST FEATURES / Signature Prompt = Enabled

  • PAXSTORE / EDC / CREDIT FEATURES / Print Card Holder Name = Yes

  • PAXSTORE / MISC / GENERAL SETTINGS / Support Print = Enabled

  • PAXSTORE / MISC / SIGNATURE SETTINGS / Signature Capture = Enabled

  • PAXSTORE / MISC / SIGNATURE SETTINGS / EMV Signature Capture = Enabled

  • PAXSTORE / MISC / SIGNATURE SETTINGS / Signature Type = On Paper

External POS Mode

External POS mode blocks the functionality of the BroadPOS app by showing a static screen. If you wish to view the BroadPOS app, you can tap the four corners of the screen in order of top right, bottom right, bottom left, and top left to bypass that screen and get to the BroadPOS app.

To enable this setting, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the PAXSTORE: https://paxus.paxstore.us

  2. Push the BridgePay BroadPOS application to the device. 

  3. In the BridgePay BroadPOS App, navigate to the "MISC" tab and set "ECR-Terminal Integration Mode" to "External POS" and set the “Dedicated Device (Full Screen) Mode” to “Enabled”.

Custom PAX Background Image on External POS Mode

First, create an image for your company to be used as the background image. 1080px x 1920px:

  1. Access the PAXSTORE: https://paxus.paxstore.us

  2. Push the BridgePay BroadPOS application to the device. 

  3. In the BridgePay BroadPOS App, navigate to the "MISC" tab and set "ECR-Terminal Integration Mode" to "External POS".

  4. Upload your branded image in the "MISC" tab or "Idle Image File".

  5. Click "Next"

  6. Click "Activate" and push the app to the device.

  7. Load the BridgePay app on the device. You will see your custom background image on the device. 

How to Collect Logs in the PAXSTORE

PAX logs are generated on the device and can be pulled through the PAXSTORE. Logcat logs are just that last day or 2 of data. Detail logs allow choosing a date and let you go back further into the past. They are a larger file and take longer to collect.

  1. Login to the PAXSTORE

  2. Click the “Terminal Management” tab on the left

  3. Select your device for which you’d like to pull logs

  4. Click the “Setting” tab

  5. Click on “TERMINAL LOGCAT” in the bottom right corner

  6. Click “COLLECT” in the pop up window

  7. Select “Logcat” or “Detail Logs” and click OK

  8. Wait for the logs to pull from the device

    1. This may take some time

    2. Click “REFRESH” as needed

BroadPOS Log Collection

If you need to manually push BroadPOS logs from the PAX device to the PAX Store, follow the steps below:

  1. Open BroadPOS Settings menu.

  2. Scroll to bottom and select “About BroadPOS”

  3. Tap “Log Upload”

  4. Tap “Agree and Upload”

  5. Wait for upload to complete.

Multi-Merchant Terminal Setup

To allow for multiple profiles,

To configure a PAX terminal for Multi-Merchant, the following tab must be completed in the BridgePay BroadPOS App:


    1. Enable Multiple Merchant Support

    2. Enable Merchant Selection on Idle Screen if that functionality is desired

    3. Enable Allow Batch All Merchants if that functionality is desired.

  2. MERCHANT n (where n is the incrementing number of merchants)

    1. Enable Enable Merchant

    2. Set Merchant Name and Merchant Password

      1. Merchant Name is limited to 16 characters 

      2. Note that this is not a MyBridgePay/BridgeComm Password

    3. Complete the Header and Trailer lines with desired information for the receipt


      1. Enter the BridgePay Username, Password, MerchantCode and MerchantAccountCode for the main account (Must be a Merchant Group User.).

      2. Enter the Service User, Service Password for the Service Fee account

  3. Repeat step 2 for all Merchants required for this terminal

  4. NOTES

    1. Some special characters are allowed: - # & ( ) !

      1. Avoid JSON characters like " , : { }

    2. The MerchantName is case sensitive.

    3. The MerchantName is not required in the JSON request.

Multiple Terminals on One Gateway

In the case of multiple terminals on one gateway, one terminal auto batching will close ALL transactions regardless of whether they were processed on that terminal, because the terminal is triggering the gateway settlement, not just its own batch. A gateway with multiple terminals should use the following settings between the gateway and devices:

  1. Configure your BridgePay gateway for Auto-Settle at your desired settlement time.

    1. This must be requested through your Reseller or BridgePay directly.

  2. Configure the Pax Device to have Auto Batch Mode Disabled.

    1. This can be found under the BridgePay tab in the BridgePay BroadPOS Application.

    2. This will need to be requested through the manager of your PAX Devices in the PAXSTORE.

  3. PG Cloud Mobile App set to clear the device history (see section below)

Partial Authorizations

To configure partial authorizations, you must enable or disable the highlighted flag in the BridgePay Tab of the BridgePay BroadPOS application on the PAX device.

PayGuardian/BroadPOS/Firmware Updates

There is no process for informing partners/integrators of updates to any of these apps, partially due to the BroadPOS and Firmware being controlled by PAX. It is recommended that partners/integrators check the PAXSTORE regularly for updates and push updates to their merchants as they see fit.

Service Fee Setup

To enable Service Fees, first, credentials for the service fee account must be configured in the BRIDGEPAY tab of the BridgePay BroadPOS application. The credentials should be entered into the Service User and Service Password fields:

Service Fees can then be configured in the BroadPOS App under the ServiceFee tab with the following options:

Service Fee Mode:

  • Disabled: Service Fees are not enabled.

  • Flat Fee: Service Fees are enabled and will only use the Service Flat Fee value.

  • In Percentage: Service Fees are enabled and will only use the Service Fee in Percentage (0-9.999)% value.

  • Highest: Service Fees are enabled and will use whichever value is the greatest between the Service Flat Fee and the Service Fee in Percentage (0-9.999)%. This essentially sets a Service Fee floor so a minimum amount is always collected.

Service Fee Name: The name by which the service fee will be referred in the PAX device and on Receipts.

Service Flat Fee: The amount in dollars and cents that should be charged for the service fee.

Service Fee in Percentage (0-9.999)%: The percentage of the transaction amount that will be charged for the service fee.

Print Service Fee on Receipt: Determines whether the service fee is printed on the transaction receipt. Options are Enabled or Disabled.

Display Service Fee Confirmation: Determines whether the PAX device will prompt the card holder if they would like to accept the service fee before processing the transaction. If the card holder declines to pay the service fee, the transaction is cancelled. Options are Enabled or Disabled.

Enable Service Fee Zip Code Prompt: Determines whether the PAX device will prompt the card holder to enter their ZIP code after presenting their card for payment. Options are Enabled or Disabled.

Store and Forward

Store and Forward (SAF) allows the device to capture transactions offline and send the transactions for authorization and settlement when the terminal is back online. It supports all card types. There is no additional data that is sent to the processor. SAF is treated as a normal transaction to the processor.

Available on all supported devices when using the BroadPOS BridgePay Application. Device initiated transactions only.

Direct POSLink Integration may require minor messaging data changes. Please reach out to Integration Support for more assistance.

SAF Modes

SAF can be configured as needed, but it is recommended to use Offline On Demand. In this configuration, when internet access is lost, the device will immediately go into offline (SAF) mode.

Other SAF Modes

Stay Online = All transactions process online, regardless of the terminal’s internet connection.

Stay Offline = All transactions stay offline, regardless of the terminal’s internet connection.

Stay Offline Until Batch = All transactions stay offline, regardless of the terminal’s connection, up until the batch closes. Once the batch closes, the terminal is not affected by SAF feature and stays online.

Offline On Demand = (Recommended) The terminal automatically checks for an internet connection. If the terminal has an internet connection, the terminal processes transactions online. However, if the terminal’s internet connection is down, transactions process offline and the terminal saves the transactions in the SAF database.

Upload Modes

SAF has two upload modes: Upload Before Batch and Silent Upload. Silent Upload is generally what you will want to use because it will authorize and settle when the transactions are uploaded.

PAXSTORE Configurations

Store and Forward must be configured in the “Industry” tab within the PAXSTORE’s Terminal Management for the BroadPOS BridgePay App per device.

  • Ceiling Amounts = The total dollar amount cap that can be processed before uploading the offline transaction (can be set per card type).

  • Halo Amounts = The amount cap that can process on a single transaction (set per card type).

  • Max Number = Maximum number of transactions that can be run offline before uploading the offline transactions (Default = 1000, Max = 4999).

Surcharge Fee Setup

Surcharge Fees can then be configured in the BroadPOS App under the EDC tab with the following options:

Surcharge Fee Mode:

  • Disabled: Surcharge Fees are not enabled.

  • Flat Fee: Surcharge Fees are enabled and will only use the Surcharge Flat Fee value.

  • In Percentage: Surcharge Fees are enabled and will only use the Surcharge Fee in Percentage (0-9.999)% value.

  • Highest: Surcharge Fees are enabled and will use whichever value is the greatest between the Surcharge Flat Fee and the Surcharge Fee in Percentage (0-9.999)%. This essentially sets a Surcharge Fee floor so a minimum amount is always collected.

Surcharge Fees Name: The name by which the Surcharge Fees will be referred in the PAX device and on Receipts.

Surcharge Flat Fee: The amount in dollars and cents that should be charged for the Surcharge Fee.

Surcharge in Percentage (0-9.999)%: The percentage of the transaction amount that will be charged for the Surcharge Fee.

Allow Surcharge Fee Bypass: Allows the device user to bypass the fee. Options are Enabled or Disabled.

Surcharge Fee Confirmation: Displays a confirmation screen to the device user. Options are Enabled or Disabled.

Print Surcharge Fee on Receipt: Determines whether the Surcharge Fee is printed on the transaction receipt. Options are Enabled or Disabled.

Screen displayed on a PAX device with the setting of Fixed $3.00, Surcharge Confirm is enabled and Allow Surcharge Fee Bypass is enabled:

Terminal Timeout Intervals

In the BroadPOS app, there are several interval timeouts that can be configured. Below is an explanation of the different varieties:

Menu Timeout controls signature prompt, tip prompt, enter main menu, manually Enter timeout.

Host Response Timeout controls the timeout of Approval/Decline screen displayed after transaction.

Enter Account Menu Timeout controls Swipe/Insert card screen timeout.

Swipe Any Time Timeout controls Swipe Anytime timeout, you can swipe the card anytime between the swipe any time timeout. Terminal will keep card data until timeout.

Connect Timeout controls connecting time from terminal to host

Receive Timeout controls how long the terminal will wait for the processor's response once the connection is built.

Tip Functionality (PayGuardian Cloud API)

To process Tips on PAX devices you must have the Restaurant Parameter File installed on the device. Otherwise you will get a “Tips Not Allowed” error on the device if you send a PayGuardian API request that includes tips.

The three scenarios that are needed for TIP to be functional via PayGuardian API requests are as follows: (All need Tips enabled in the BridgePay BroadPOS app)

  1. Transaction initiated from the device (BridgePay BroadPOS) (Prompts for tip)

  2. Transaction initiated from a POS (PostMan) that includes a “tipAmt > 0 (Does not prompt for tip)

  3. Transaction initiated from a POS (PostMan) that includes a “tipAmt” == 0 (Prompts for tip)

If tipAmt is not passed in the PGC call, no tip prompt will appear on the device. Note that for this to work,  Tips must be enabled in the MISC tab of the PAX configurations.

An example request of this functionality is included below:

{ "terminalID": "{{UUID}}", "amount": "12.22", "tipAmt": "0", "invNum": "SaleWithTip", "tenderType": "CREDIT", "transType": "SALE", "username": "{{username}}", "password": "{{password}}", "merchantCode": "{{merchantCode}}", "merchantAccountCode": "{{merchantAccountCode}}" }

Tip Percentages and Tip Amounts

To determine how your tips are displayed to the customer on your PAX device, you must edit the Amount Threshold option in your BridgePay BroadPOS app. The amount threshold (TIP -> GENERAL -> Additional Feature -> Amount Threshold) determines whether the cardholder is prompted to enter a tip percentage or select from preset tip values during a transaction. Specifically, if the transaction amount exceeds the amount threshold, the app will prompt for a tip percentage. Conversely, if the transaction amount is below the threshold, preset tip values will be presented for selection. To consistently prompt customers for a tip percentage regardless of the transaction amount, you can configure the amount threshold to be 0.

Other PAX Troubleshooting

Clear Transaction History

To clear Transaction History follow the below steps:

  1. Open the PayGuardian Cloud application

  2. Click on the Menu button

    1. Looks like 3 dots

  3. Select option for “Enable Clear History”

    1. If enabled this feature will clear history automatically

The transaction history will clear whenever a transaction is initiated from PayGuardian Cloud, so it will clear, then run the new transaction. At any given time, the terminal will have the last run transaction in the batch.

DHCP vs Static IP

It is possible for PAX terminals to face intermittent connectivity issues on certain networks using DHCP and Internet Service Provider (ISP) issued equipment.

To resolve these issues, it is recommended to set static IP addresses for any PAX terminals and use Google’s DNS ( as primary and CloudFlare DNS ( as secondary.

Disable Android Notifications

On Android 10 devices, incoming PGC requests will generate Android Notifications that will appear at the top of the screen. These can be disabled following these steps:

  1. Go to the device home screen

  2. Click setting

  3. pax9876@@

  4. Apps & Notifications

  5. Click on the PayGuardian App

  6. Click on Notifications

  7. set Show Notifications to Disabled

Firewall Configuration

  • Device is alive on LAN

  • Device is offline in PAXSTORE

  • Firewall blocking outbound traffic to PAX and BridgePay Push Notifications

  • Typically only happens in VPN or Enterprise environments

  • Requires Firewall configuration






GPS Chipset Firmware



PaxStore USA



Message PUSH



Message PUSH






Remote Assistance Services



Remote Assistance Services



Remote Assistance Services



Remote Assistance Services

posviewer4 - 6


Remote Assistance Services



Remote Management




BridgePay Gateway PUSH Services

Key Injection Verification

To verify the injected keys in a PAX terminal you can do the following:

  1. From the home screen, open the app PaxInject.

  2. Tap on US INJECTION

  3. Enter the password: 729465328

  4. Tap on STATUS

  5. Ensure that under the DUKPT section you see at least Slot 2 populated with a key value.

If you need further assistance, please contact your reseller or PAX support at paxstore.support@pax.us

Error Troubleshooting

Key Injection Error

General Error

  • Transaction request never goes to BridgeComm

  • ResultCode = 100003

  • Result Text = '15-General Error.'

    • Sum of Key Verify is incorrect

  • BroadPOS-BridgePay P2PE app did not correctly push to device

Invalid Credentials or Object Ref Error

  • Object Ref Error could be incorrect encryption key. See How To Verify Key Injection

  • Check that the credentials are correct in the PAX push parameters.

  • Confirm that your username does not start with an upper case letter.

  • Is the Primary Auth URL pointing to the correct environment?

Device Not Connecting

  • Check WiFi or Ethernet connection

    • Settings -> WiFi -> Advanced

    • Settings -> More -> Ethernet

  • Have partner attempt to ping on LAN

  • Check connection status in PAXStore

PayGuardian Device is Not Connected

  • Check PayGuardian Mode (defaults to PROD)

  • Check PG Cloud URL

  • Mode must match URL request being sent to

  • PROD Cloud doesn't mean PROD BridgeComm

Gift Cards on a Restaurant Device

PAX does support Gift Cards on a Restaurant setup. You must install both the Retail and Restaurant templates in the BroadPOS BridgePay application. Gift Card options will only appear if the Retail template is loaded and the Restaurant template is needed for the tip functionality.

Tap Read Failed

If during your Contactless transaction you are experiencing “Tap Read Failed” errors, please ensure that two things are happening. First, make sure that the card is being presented at the Contactless logo on the device (normally the top of the device where the receipt printer is located). Secondly, please advise all Contactless payment users should hold their payment up to the device until a successful beep is heard. Doing those two things will drastically minimize the errors seen.

PAX POSLink Errors

000000 - OK - The result is OK
100001 - TIMEOUT - Time out - This error indicates that a user operation timeout occurred during the payment flow. If the user does not/cannot interact with the BroadPOS app within the expected time window (for example does not swipe card in time).
Indicates that a user operation timeout occurred during the payment flow. For example: a sale is initiated, the BroadPOS app prompts the user to insert/tap/swipe their card, the user fails to do so within the timeout window and the 100001-timeout error is returned. It can also happen when BroadPOS prompts the user for tip, an amount, or any other input, and the user does not enter that info within the timeout window.
Standalone transactions are not returning this error because it is an error returned by POSLink.
100002 Error in PGC - 100002 is returned if the user aborts the transaction during the payment flow. This can happen by pressing the red abort button on the screen/PIN pad in order to cancel the transaction, or if the app is exited during the payment flow before the transaction begins to process online.
100003 - 1-Chip - Malfunction IC card reset failed
100003 - 2–Chip Read Error - IC card command failed
100003 - 3–Chip Blocked - IC card blocked
100003 - 4–Chip Error - Return code of IC card command is error
100003 - 5–Chip Blocked - EMV Application is blocked. 100003 is returned during the chip reading process. If the card is configured to block international purchases (fraud protection), the application on the chip will throw this error and BroadPOS will return "3-Chip Blocked". This is something the customer will have to talk to their bank about. Nothing to do with the PAX device, Gateway or Processor.
100003 - 6–Chip Not Accepted 6-ChipNotAccept - No matching EMV Application in the IC card
100003 - 7–User Abort - User canceled current operation or transaction
100003 - 8–User Timeout - User’s operation timed out
100003 - 9–Data Error - IC card data error
100003 - 10–Chip Not Accepted 10-ChipNotAccept - Transaction is not accepted
100003 - 11-Chip Reject - Transaction should be declined by devices according to spec.
100003 - 11- Chip Read Error - Issue processing EMV chip. Try enabling Quick Chip (EMV Tab) in the BridgePay BraodPOS application. This has resolved this issue for customers in the past.
100003 - 12–CAPK - Expired CAPK Key Expired
100003 - 13–PIN Pad Error - There’s No PIN Pad or PIN Pad can’t be used
100003 - 14–PIN Pad Error - No PIN Pad or PIN Pad can’t be used
100003 - 15–General Error - Sum of Key Verify is incorrect
100003 - 16–General Error - Unable to find Appointed Data Element
100003 - 17–General Error - There is no data in the appointed Data Element
100003 - 18–General Error - Memory is overflow
100003 - 19–General Error - No transaction log present
100003 - 20–General Error - Appointed log does not exist
100003 - 21–General Error - Appointed Label does not exist in current log record
100003 - 22-Chip Error - Receive Returned Status Code of 6985 in GPO response.
100003 - 23–Tap Not Accepted 23-TapNotAccept - Prompt for card entry method other than contactless
100003 - 24–General Error - EMV File error.
100003 - 25–Tap Terminated - Must terminate the transaction right now.
100003 - 26–Tap General Error 26–TapGeneralErr - Contactless failed.
100003 - 27-Tap Decline - Transaction should be declined by devices according to spec.
100003 - 28–Tap Not Accepted 28–TapNotAccept - Try another card (DPAS and AMEX).
100003 - 30–Param Error - Parameter error = EMV_PARAM_ERR
100003 - 31–Tap General Error 31–TapGeneralErr - International transaction(for VISA AP PayWave Level2 IC card use)
100003 - 32–Tap General Error 32–TapGeneralErr - Wave2 DDA response TLV format error
100003 - 33–Tap General Error 33–TapGeneralErr - US card(for VISA AP PayWave L2 IC card use)
100003 - 34–Tap General Error 34–TapGeneralErr - Need to use IC card for the transaction(for VISA PayWave IC card use)
100003 - 35–Tap General Error 35–TapGeneralErr - Need to redo the EMV Application Select.
100003 - 36–Card Expired - Contactless IC card has expired
100003 - 37–Tap General Error 37–TapGeneralErr - No application is supported(Select PPSE error)
100003 - 38–Tap General Error 38–TapGeneralErr - Contactless PBOC
100003 - 39–Tap CVM Fail - CVM result in decline for AE
100003 - 40-See Phone - Command response with 6986
100003 - 41–Tap General Error 41–TapGeneralErr - The last read record command error.
100003 - 42–Tap General Error 42–TapGeneralErr - Wrong order API calls.
100003 - 48–Tap General Error 48–TapGeneralErr - Try Tap Again
100003 - PIN Pad Timeout - PED Timeout
100003 - PIN Pad Failure - PED Failure
100003 - 105-Declined - Contactless offline declined
100003 - 108-Too many cards present - Too many cards present. Too Many Cards Present can be caused by having multiple cards near the contactless reader. It can also be caused by multiple NFC devices being near the contactless reader on the terminal. I would suggest making sure there aren't any other NFC devices near the terminal when running transactions.
100003 - CLSS ERROR - General contactless error
100003 - TERMINAL PARAMETER ERROR - The terminal parameter file is corrupted
100003 - SIGN NOT ALLOWED - Caused when the PAX PG App was sending a signature request for Debit and Gift Card transactions. This error means that a signature is being requested, yet is not supported for the specific transaction that is being requested.
100003 - NO PAPER - There is no paper in the device and the device is trying to print. This is caused by the device having a printer with no paper and the PayGuardian application having "Toggle Printer" set to any other setting then "No Reciept." To resolve, Access the PayGuardian application on the device, click the 3 dots in the top right and click "Toggle Printer" until "No Receipt" is displayed. Also verify that all printing options in the BridgePay BroadPOS application are disabled on the device.
100003 - NO PRINTER - There is no printer on the device (A60, A77, etc) and the device is trying to print. This is caused by the device not having a printer and the PayGuardian application having "Toggle Printer" set to any other setting then "No Reciept." To resolve, Access the PayGuardian application on the device, click the 3 dots in the top right and click "Toggle Printer" until "No Receipt" is displayed. Also verify that all printing options in the BridgePay BroadPOS application are disabled on the device.
100003 - REMOVE CARD - is returned by BroadPOS when a transaction is completed, and the user attempts another transaction without removing the card from the reader after the first one.
100009 - RECEIVE ERROR - is returned by broadPOS and indicates that BroadPOS did not receive the response from the host after going online.
100010 - COMM ERROR - generally means that BroadPOS encountered an error when attempting to communicate with the host.
100511 - Service Busy - refers to an error where the BroadPOS service is tied up with another process when a request is made.
101000 - VAS OK, PAYMENT ERROR + ERROR MESSAGE - Apple or Google pay use VAS function. For VAS OK, but payment failed
101001 - VAS ERROR, PAYMENT OK - Apple or Google pay use VAS function. For VAS failed, but payment OK
101002 - VAS ERROR + (VAS code) - Apple or Google pay use VAS function. For VAS ONLY mode, return error
101003 - VAS ERROR, PAYMENT ERROR + ERROR MESSAGE - Apple or Google pay use VAS function.For VAS and Payment both failed
101004 - VAS ERROR, PAYMENT NOT PERFORMED - Google Smart Tap failed, and not perform payment.
101005 - VAS OK, PAYMENT NOT PERFORMED - Google Smart Tap OK, but not perform payment
100503 - PED BUSYPED is busy
100504 - PED INJECTION ERROR PED injection error
100505 - MAC KEY TYPE DISMATCH the specified MAC key type dismatch the specified algorithm
100506 - ENCRYPTION KEY TYPE DISMATCH the encryption key type dismatch the specified algorithm
100507 - PED PARAMETER ERRORPED parameter error
100508 - PED GENERAL ERRORPED general error
100509 - PED UNKNOWN ERRORPED unknown error




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