FE v2021.005
Released January 2022
The following enhancements and fixes were made to MyBridgePay in v2021.005. These changes were deployed in UAT/Cert on January 10th, 2022 and are currently targeted for production deployment in the weeks of January 17th and 24th, 2022.
❖ Customizable Contact Us Page & Menu Option
❖ New Search Options in the Recurring Billing Virtual Terminal
❖ Mastercard Network Gateway Services (MNGS) Processor Added (Future Availability)
Customizable Contact Page & Menu Option
For those partners that have a branded site, we have added the ability to add a “Contact Us” option to a branded login page. Clicking the contact us link on the login page will direct the user to a contact us page. Resellers can also feel free to use our support information as their contact us email and phone number.
Resellers can add a contact email, phone number and message to the contact us page.
There is also a "Contact Us" option in the MyBridgePay gateway. You can access it in the top right corner of the page with the icon displayed below.
Things to note:
Support Email only supports a 50-character max.
The "Custom Message" will only display on the login page if you have a Support Email or Support Phone entered and saved.
Only available for partners that have a branded site.
New Search Options in the Recurring Billing Virtual Terminal
We have enhanced the wallet search features in the Recurring Billing Virtual Terminal. Users can now search for wallets by "Customer Account Name" and "Wallet Name".
Mastercard Network Gateway Services (MNGS) Processor Added
We have integrated to the Mastercard Network Gateway Services or MNGS. MNGS is a direct to Mastercard processor that supports all major credit cards types. For more information visit: Mastercard Gateway
To connect a MyBridgePay gateway to MNGS:
Access MyBridgePay as a Reseller or a Sales Agent that has the "Processors" right enabled and the "MNGS" processor right enabled.
Click "Account Management"
Access the Merchant Account you wish to edit.
Click "Processors"
Click "Create Password"
For "Type" choose "Credit Card"
For Processor Select "MNGS"
Click the "Settings" tab
Enter all of the required information (MasterCard would provide a Processor Setup Form or VAR sheet)
Click "Save"
Selecting MNGS as a Processor:
Processor Settings:
Things to note:
You must first have an account with MasterCard to use this processor type.
MasterCard must provide the Processor settings that will be entered into MyBridgePay.
Updated the Email Address field to be required when vaulting a payment from a receipt.
Updated the receipt text of "Merchant ID" to "Merchant Account Code" for clarity.
Updated the Virtual Terminal Role Right of "Void" to enable/disable void functionality in Find Transaction and Batch Management (Unsettled Batches Tab).
Updated the Virtual Terminal Role Right of "Refund" to enable/disable refund functionality in Find Transactions.
Fixed an issue where "null" was appearing in the Batch Settlement email in error.
Fixed an issue where the drop down selection color was not appearing as the primary color in branded accounts.
Fixed an issue where "Wallet Name" was not saving to the system when vaulting a payment.
Fixed an issue where Google Recaptcha was blocking access if the initial login attempt had invalid credentials.
Fixed an issue where after editing a user and clicking "Cancel" the user's name would still appear in Account Management instead of returning back to the reseller name.
Fixed an issue where the Dashboard where the 90 day date range option displayed 91 days in error.
Fixed an issue where JCB card types were displaying a Discover icon in error.
Fixed an issue where vaulting a JCB card was displaying a MasterCard icon in error.
Fixed some column alignment issues in Batch Management.
Fixed an issue where the Roles search filter text could be invisible due to branding white on white.
Fixed an issue where "Account Type" was blank in the Batch Summary export for Cash and Check payments.
Fixed an issue where some Email Address fields did not allow some email formats. All Email Address fields allow all email formats now.
Fixed an issue where the "Name on Check" field on the Recurring Billing Virtual Terminal was required in error.
Supported Browsers in MyBridgePay
The following browsers are supported in MyBridgePay when using the latest versions.
MS Edge
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