FE v2021.001

FE v2021.001


Released April 2021


The following enhancements and fixes have been made to MyBridgePay in v2021.001

These changes are scheduled to deploy in UAT/Cert by Monday 4/20/2021 and are currently targeted for production deployment the week of 5/03/2021 prior to 6 am ET. 


Supported Browsers in MyBridgePay

The following browsers are supported in MyBridgePay when using the latest versions.

  • Chrome

  • MS Edge

  • Firefox

MyBridgePay User Interface Enhancements 


Merchant Defined Custom Fields 

New feature which allows custom fields to be created for merchant accounts to pass through with transactions and as returned data on the newly created Custom Fields Transaction List report. Custom fields can be created by Resellers, Sales Agents, and Merchant Groups for use by their respective Merchant Accounts.

Data transmitted as a custom field is stored in the MyBridgePay database for informational purposes only and is not transmitted to the processor with a transaction request for authorization.


Adding Custom Fields Permission Rights to Custom Roles 

Resellers and Sales Agents can create a custom role with custom fields permission rights enabled to create/edit/deactivate custom fields, or can add the new Custom Fields rights to existing custom user roles for use within their organization hierarchy. The Custom Fields Template will only appear in Account Management for those users that have roles with custom fields rights enabled. Custom fields can be created/edited/deactivated at the Reseller, Sales Agent, and Merchant Group organization levels.

Please note: You do not need to create custom field roles to assign to users for processing transactions or reporting purposes. If custom fields are activated on a merchant account they are visible for all users with access to the Virtual Terminal and/or Reports modules.

You can select the custom field permission rights to assign to a Reseller/Sales Agent/Merchant Group user role in the Admin module.


Once a custom role has been created or modified to include the custom fields permission rights, simply assign it to an applicable user.

Please Note: A user must first logout of MyBridgePay and then login again for the updated role assignment to take effect.


Creating/Editing Custom Fields

Resellers, Sales Agents, and Merchant Groups can create custom fields for use within their direct merchant group/merchant account hierarchy structures. The Custom Fields Template will only appear in Account Management for those users that have the proper permissions.

To create a new custom field, click the “CREATE NEW CUSTOM FIELD” button, add a label name for the custom field (which will display on both the Virtual Terminal payment form and on the Custom Fields Transaction List report), and select the field type.


One example of the custom field type options that can be created is displayed below, but the full list includes:

  • Text box with optional validators

  • Drop down list display

  • Check box

  • List control box

  • Radio button


Once the custom field has been created it will appear on the template where it can be activated by clicking the “Is Active” button. When a custom field is activated at the Reseller, Sales Agent, or Merchant Group level, it will be activated for all merchant accounts within that respective organizational hierarchy grouping. Conversely, if deactivated at a particular organization level, the deactivation will also occur for all merchant accounts within that organizational grouping.

Example use case: Custom fields activated/deactivated at the merchant account level will only affect that merchant account, however if a custom field is activated or deactivated at the merchant group level, then all merchant accounts within that merchant group will be affected. You can always make changes at the merchant account for individualized settings, but please note that any changes made at the merchant group, sales agents, or reseller level will update all merchant accounts within the respective organizational structure.

The purpose of activation/deactivation at anything above the merchant account organization level is to allow for mass activations/deactivations which is time efficient for large merchant groups that want all settings to be uniform and applied across most or all of their merchant accounts at one time.

Display on Receipts Option

Up to 3 custom fields can be activated to display on the bottom portion of the Virtual Terminal receipts. This is an optional setting and does not prevent the custom field from displaying on the Virtual Terminal payment form or Custom Fields Transaction List report.

To enable a custom field to display on transaction receipts, just click on the check box.


Custom Fields on the Virtual Terminal Payment Form and Receipts

Once a custom field has been activated it will be visible on the Virtual Terminal payment form and if enabled to display on receipts, it will appear on the bottom portion of the Virtual Terminal transaction receipt just below the approval code.

An example of two customs fields displayed on the payment form is shown below. One was created using a radio button field type, and the other using a text entry field type.


Once a transaction with custom fields has been processed that receipt will display. 


Custom Fields Transaction List Report

Once a custom field has been activated it will be visible on the Custom Field Transaction List report, both in the UI grid display and on the export file formats. This report has been modeled on the original Transaction List report.

Please Note: The UI grid display has at this time been limited to display only up to 5 activated custom fields, however the report export file formats will display all activated custom fields for a merchant account and/or merchant group level report.

The custom fields report is best displayed at a merchant account level, but is available for merchant group reporting as well.

UI grid display format:


Excel export file format:


Fixes/Minor Enhancements 

The following defects and minor enhancements were included in v2021.001 of MyBridgePay

  • Updated ACH transaction receipts to reflect ‘ACH’ as the entry method.

  • Enhanced the behavior of configured convenience fees on the Virtual Terminal tab of a merchant account which can now be disabled and/or completely removed.

  • Updated the Recurring Billing’s Virtual Terminal payment form to populate and display the street address stored with the wallet payment method when ‘Wallet’ is selected as the payment method.

  • Removed the Street Address and Zip Code fields from displaying on the Virtual Terminal payment form when using PAX devices to process a transaction.

  • Improved the clear function to include resetting both search results and search filters from the ‘Find Payment Method’ window in the Recurring Billing module.

  • Modified the behavior of service fees configured on a merchant account to display only when a user checks "Use Manual Entry Form for This Transaction” if a PAX device is configured and defaulted on the Virtual Terminal payment form.

  • Moved the Date/Time column to the first column position on the Batch Management module’s Unsettled and Settled tabs grid display. This corresponds to the default sort order set to the Date/Time column.

  • Moved the Date/Time column to the first column position on Advanced Search and on the following reports: Sales, Declines, Transaction List, and Batch Detail. This corresponds to the default sort order set to the Date/Time column.

  • Improved the hover verbiage on the ‘Vault’ icon of Virtual Terminal receipt to display as “Add to Wallet.”

  • Expanded transaction field validation on the Virtual Terminal payment form to include the Zip Code, Invoice Number, PO Number, and Customer ID fields.

  • Enhanced the data display in the report export file formats for numeric and dollar values as a custom formatted column rather than the current generic format. This allows export report files to retain their numeric formulas as they are displayed in the UI report grids.

  • Improved the export file format to retain customized display options made to the grid display in the output file when columns are hidden or reorganized in both the Find Transactions/Advanced Search and Reporting.




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