ID TECH Firmware/Config Upgrade Tool
Need to upgrade your ID TECH VP 3300 or Augusta to the latest firmware to use with our PayGuardian iOS or Android product? This article references the current firmware versions and process to upgrade your VP3300 device.
Current Firmware Versions
VP3300: NEO v1.10.035
Augusta: v1.03.019
Installing a Config in the SDK Demo Desktop App
Download and Install this tool: NET SDK
Download the Config File:
Both Augusta and VP3300 Configs can be found here:
Connect the Device to a USB port on your computer (Ensure the device appears)
Click “ViVOconfig”
Click “Set Config From File
Choose “Write File On Incorrect Checksum” or choose “Write File On Incorrect Checksum and Repair File”
Click 'Execute Command”
Choose Config File from your computer downloaded in step 2 and click OK
Config will install. A popup will appear confirming the installation.
Updating Firmware in the ViVOconfig Desktop App
Download and Install this tool: NET SDK
Download the Firmware File:
Connect the Device to a USB port on your computer (Ensure the device appears)
Under Commands, expand “Device”
Click “Update Device Firmware” and click “Execute Command”
A window will pop up for you to select the Firmware file from your computer downloaded in step #2.
Unzip the downloaded Firmware file.
VP3300 Only - If Current Firmware version is lower than 1.05.XXX you will need to first install the “VP3300 Bluetooth NEO v1.05.006_USBHID.txt” file and then install the “VP3300 Bluetooth NEO v1.10.035_USBHID.txt” file (You might have to change the windows explorer to show all file types) More information can be found here:
Select the file you want to install and click “Open” in windows explorer
Firmware will install. A message in the SDK Demo app will appear confirming the Firmware installation was successful.
EMV Declining
If EMV transactions are declining, check to see if encryption is turned on for the device using ID TECH’s USDK Demo tool.
Click on Files, select and follow set-up instructions.
Now that you have the USDK Demo tool installed, complete the form as shown below in the screen shot with the following entries:
Cmd: C7
Sub: 36
Data: 00
Click on “Execute Command”
If you receive “successful,” then you have the proper key injected. If your device is properly encrypted but EMV transactions still declining, please contact BridgePay’s Integration Support for further device troubleshooting.
If you receive “Command Failed,” please reach out to BridgePay’s Integration Support as your device does not have the proper key injected and will need to be reinjected.
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