The SSL Certificate Update Tool has been created to facilitate updating the expired SSL certificate. Please download the zip file located at

1. Setup and Installation

After downloading the SSL Certificate Update tool, please unzip, extract files, and run PayGuardianCertUpdateTool.exe. You may additionally need to update the permissions in your anti‐ virus software to ‘allow’ the application to run.

The application will display a window with a single button. Pressing the button will stop the PayGuardian service, replace the necessary file, and restart the service.

Instructions to Verify Successful Update of SSL Certificate

After completing the steps to update to the new SSL Certificate, you can verify that the update has been successful by following the instructions below.

Troubleshooting SSL Certificate Expiration for Non-Upgraded PayGuardian Applications

Users of PayGuardian will receive the following pop up any time that PayGuardian is launched for the first time.

NOTE: PayGuardian Client with Expired SSL Certificate will not be Functional

The Client or Virtual Terminal of PayGuardian will not be functional through the system tray for either transaction processing or accessing configuration menus. Please update the SSL Certificate using the instructions above, or upgrade to PayGuardian v.2.4.12 by accessing the following page: PayGuardian Desktop then download and install the latest version.

Replacing the SSL Certificate Manually

  1. Stop the PayGuardian service

  2. Replace the PayGuardian.jks in this directory with the one in the link below: C:/Program Files (x86)/BridgePay/PayGuardian/Config

  3. Link to the new certificate

  4. Restart the PayGuardian service