PGD v2.4.9
Added two new optional fields to the Payment Request: TaxIndicator and HolderType, for use in DLL, REST, and FileDrop integrations.
Added the Transaction Count and Total Transaction Amount to the ‘History’ link in the Virtual POS.
Added the ability to export and download the History report.
Added the TransactionMode field to a transaction as applicable.
Added the SettlementDelay field to the DLL, REST, and FileDrop integration methods.
Added the ability to process a TokenPay transaction through PayGuardian via the DLL, REST, and FileDrop integration methods.
Added an automated verification/lookup for the current Ingenico UIA version which will prompt a user to upgrade to UIA version 19.02 if an earlier version is found.
Added the ‘Allow Select Tender’ feature for Bluefin P2PE supported devices.
Added the ability to create a new wallet and process transactions via a wallet through the DLL, REST, and FileDrop integration methods.
Changed the select option label from ‘Edit’ to ‘View’ for the ‘Merchant Account Details’ setting under the Payment Server configuration.
Enhanced the ‘Update Registration’ options located under the Help menu to retain previously entered registration information, allowing for updates to be made to the existing data.
Updated the Swiped Transactions configuration form in the Settings menu by removing all options except for ‘Verify Last 4 of Card’ and ‘Auto Submit Transactions’. If the ‘Verify Last 4 of Card’ feature is enabled, then it is a required manual key entry for every transaction.
Updated PayGuardian to include the logged-in username as a populated value in the ClerkID field when a Tip Adjustment transaction is processed. The pass-through ClerkID field value will then populate the BridgePay Gateway database field: TipRecipientCode.
Updated the device prompt for ‘Gift Card’ to display as ‘Swipe’ on the Gift Card tender form.
Removed the Card Bin Management table from Admin settings.
Removed the Invoice number field from the Refund and Void transaction forms in the POS Virtual Terminal.
Removed the ability to cancel an ‘EMV swiped fallback’ transaction on the device after the EMV card has been swiped.
Fixed issue with the signature truncation on the Bluefin P2PE Ingenico iSC250 device.
Fixed issue where PayGuardian would lockup when the ‘Clear’ button was entered on a manual transaction and the ‘Auto Submit Transactions’ setting was not enabled in Settings.
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