WebLINK Hosted Payments

WebLINK Hosted Payments

Weblink2 on the TPI Gateway does NOT support ACH transactions.

Looking to find what transaction types WebLINK supports?

Have a look at our BridgePay Product Matrix

Working With Templates

You can use the credentials used for making payments as long as they have the sufficient permissions (reseller permissions).

Go to https://www.mybridgepaytest.com for test mode or https://www.mybridgepay.com for production.


Merchant Boarding

  1. Select the "Account Management" tab


  2. Select the "Merchant Group" the templates are associated by clicking Edit.

  3. Click The “Merchant Group” tab to view all your Merchant Groups associated with this Reseller. Click Edit next to the Group your account is in and then click Edit next to the account you wish to modify.

  1. Click on Processing Applications to see the options for transactions. Click the Toggle for WebLINK. Then click Save.

  1. After clicking Save, you will see a Configuration button appear to the right of the WebLink toggle.

  1. When you click Configure, you get to see your Configuration Settings, your Default Templates and your Custom Templates.

  1. If you click on Default Templates. you can make edits to any of the templates we have pre-built for WebLINK3 using HTML by clicking the Edit button to the left of each template.

  1. If you click Custom Templates, you can build a custom template for any of the template types we have in the dropdown.

Changing the Payment Form Template

The following steps show how to make space available for the "Description" field. The original code was as follows:

<div class="field"> <label>Email:</label> <input type="text" name="BillToEmail" value="<!--[BillToEmail]--> </div> <div class="field"> <label><!--[Description]-->:</label> <!--[TotalAmt]required--> </div>

A change was made to add "Description" field as a separate line from the total line. This change is required if you are using "Description" variable.

<div class="field"> <label>Email:</label> <input type="text" name="BillToEmail" value="<!--[BillToEmail]--> </div> <!--BEGIN DEH Description field changes--> <div class="note"> <label><!--[Description]-->:</label> </div> <div> <!--[TotalAmt]required--> </div> <!--END DEH Description field changes-->


These changes only affect the "Merchant Id" for each merchant. After saving the changes you can test them by using the WebLINK3 test form.


Changing the Receipt Template

If using the "Description" field the receipt may need to be changed as well. This is shown below:

<tr> <th>Description:</th> <td> <!--[Description]--> </td> <td> </tr>


Changes to allow "Description" more display room on the receipt:


Sample Posts

WebLINK 3.0 Sample Post for a Sale Transaction:

WebLINK 3.0 Sample Post for a Token/Sale Transaction:



Token Request Transaction - This will allow a customer to enter credit card information to obtain a Credit Card Token without doing an actual transaction to the processor. 


Mock Mode

WebLINK 3.0 Mock mode - will not process error

Make sure you do not have the PaymentServerType set to Mock mode. If so just remove the PaymentServerType or set it to BridgeComm. The Mock Mode command will stop the transaction from processing to the Gateway.


Release Notes

WebLINK 3 v3.10


The following enhancements were made in WebLINK 3 v3.10 

Military and Canadian State Codes

WebLINK 3 has been modified to support the military state codes :  

  • AE (Armed Forces Europe, t he Middle East and Africa)  

  • AP (Armed Forces Pacific)  

  • AA (Armed Forces Americas, excluding Canada).  


It has also been modified to support the 13 provinces and territories of Canada:  

  • AB – Alberta  

  • BC – British Columbia  

  • MB – Manitoba  

  • NB – New Brunswick  

  • NL – Newfoundland and Labrador  

  • NS – Nova Scotia  

  • NT – Northwest Territories  

  • NU – Nunavut  

  • ON – Ontario  

  • PE – Prince Edward Island  

  • QC – Quebec  

  • SK – Saskatchewan  

  • YT – Yukon 


Enhanced Logging for Support

WebLINK 3 has been modified to provide our support teams with m ore information regarding  transactions processed in order to provide our customers with b etter technical support. 


The following corrections have been applied to WebLINK 3 in v3. 10. 

Error Response Handling when Using Combined Service Fee Structure

Users of our previous enhancement for Service Fees, were experiencing issues in receiving responses when an error occurred within the gateway due to WebLINK not properly handling the response data it received. This issue has been resolved.


To test transactions direct using WebLINK3 this URL is available.

WebLINK 3.0 C# code sample



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